Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
BIENVENIDO a la comunidad sobre el juego The Movies y otros Machinimas. Aquí encontraras una gran familia, ayuda, etc, y sobre todo compartir la afición que nos gusta a todos, que es crear películas con motores de juegos. Regístrate o identifícate para quitar la publicidad y poder participar en el foro.
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.

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Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
BIENVENIDO a la comunidad sobre el juego The Movies y otros Machinimas. Aquí encontraras una gran familia, ayuda, etc, y sobre todo compartir la afición que nos gusta a todos, que es crear películas con motores de juegos. Regístrate o identifícate para quitar la publicidad y poder participar en el foro.
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.
Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
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Gone Missing

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Gone Missing Empty Gone Missing

Mensaje por LeoLaw Vie 01 Jun 2018, 01:03

Just a quick post to garner a bit more attention around my upcoming TM film project "Gone Missing" a story about a hobbyist photographer who, due to severe stress, goes out to remote cabin in the woods without telling anyone, to have peace and quiet and get lots of good nature photos. But, while out in the woods he suffers a terrible accident. No one knows where he is and he can't call for help. What will he do? Will someone find him before it's too late?

There will be no dialogue, only visuals, sound fx and music. I currently have a sneak peek of the first 4 minutes of the film, basically the introduction to a much longer opus.

I've made a couple of silent films (Letting Go and Flashbacks, both of which I will be re-uploading in the near future) and I've always wanted to take it to the next level with each one. Writing a great script and having it read and acted out takes a lot of hard work, for sure. But making a film, a story with nothing but visuals and sound fx is a challenge of it's own, and I would recommend any filmmaker to try it at least once. I find it to be an incredible storytelling exercise, it's certainly taught me a lot. Not only is it very challenging, in an amazingly fun way, but it also makes a film universal. Anyone from anywhere can watch the movie in pretty much the same way, because there's no language barrier. I think that's an awesome thing. Anyways, I said this was going to be a "quick post" but... and look what happened haha

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Vie 01 Jun 2018, 01:19

Hi LeoLaw,

So cool your project looks interesting. I have to learn very much from this. The filming was awesome, I enjoyed very much. If you press the right key, language barrier becomes absent. The visual format was precisely that kind I'd like to perform in my videos. It's a wonderful way of how to present a story. I'll stay alert looking for its revealing



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Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por LeoLaw Vie 01 Jun 2018, 01:28

Thank you Dibu! Those are very kind words, works as extra motivation to get back to work on this as soon as possible! I have a couple of other little things I'm working on currently, but once that's all done with I'll be focusing my full attention on Gone Missing! Smile

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por Ralvaz Vie 01 Jun 2018, 02:13

Hola Law, admiro tu talento como director, no es fácil hacer una película sin palabras.

Rol : Directora
Mensajes : 1274
Fecha de inscripción : 21/01/2014
Localización : España

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por LeoLaw Vie 01 Jun 2018, 03:07

Thank you Ralvaz! It definitely can be a challenge, but that's what makes it fun. And you're really awesome at making films without words yourself! Reflexes and Nocturne are both great.

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por Ralvaz Vie 01 Jun 2018, 03:17

Thanks! good

Rol : Directora
Mensajes : 1274
Fecha de inscripción : 21/01/2014
Localización : España

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por Regolero Vie 01 Jun 2018, 23:01

A ver, me ha gustado mucho la presentación de la historia, parece interesante, y hay muy buen trabajo detrás de esos efectos visuales y sonoros.

Yo me fijo mucho en los pequeños detalles, sobre todo de ambientación de la película, y veo que tiene algunos fallos, sobre todo en vestuario y fallos de racord.

El pueblo está nevado, personas con ropa de abrigo, pero hay algunos actores que van en ropa de verano, de manga corta. Debe tener cuidado con esos fallos, hay que mimar esa parte de la película.

También, hay un despertador en la mesa en la primera escena, y al cambiar de plano de cámara, ya no está el despertador.

Como digo, me encantan esos pequeños detalles en una película.

PD: Se lo digo para mejorar, no por sacar fallos. good

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 10953
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2010
Localización : Sevilla
. : Totems 2010: 2º Mejor Cortometraje, 2º Mejor Dirección, 2º Mejor Guión, 2º Mejor Tráiler . : Águilas 2011: 1º Mejor Ambientacion, 1º Mejor FX, 2º Mejor Sonido . : Recreaciones clásicas: The Ring

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por LeoLaw Sáb 02 Jun 2018, 02:03

Thank you for the compliments, really motivates me getting so much positive feedback encouragement.

I see your point, but there was only one person in short sleeve, and some people can handle more cold than others so it's not that much of a mistake, I pay close attention to that sort of detail believe me.

However, the alarm clock thing, that was definitely a mistake on my part, not one that I'd go back and fix now, come too far and gotta look ahead, but I do have to watch out for that sort of thing going forward. Thank you for pointing it out I hadn't even realized.

I do try to pay as much attention to detail as possible, but personally things like don't really stick out to me as much. As long as there isn't too little attention to detail in a film, I'm fine with it. But there are some people who leave not one mistake and those are truly great filmmakers, some of the TMU veterans are the greatest of all directors, and that's including real-life directors.

I understand everything you say in critique is to help, not bully or anything like that. I appreciate it very much, thank you! I'm far from perfect as a director, but with every release and the more feedback I get the better I become. I hope I make something that absolutely floors everyone someday. Smile

Also, after Gone Missing, I do have plans for another comedy, sort of like my film "Out of Print" ... but with much less drama, and more of the comedy! Unfortunately, one of the members of the cast is in the hospital, until he gets out there's no way I can go forward with the project. I hope he makes a speedy recovery, not for the movie's sake, but because he's a good friend that I miss talking to. I know he'll be excited to work on it once he's better! Smile

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por kubo10 Sáb 02 Jun 2018, 08:27

Me ha parecido muy interesante. La idea, el ambiente y el hecho de que no haya diálogo contribuyen a que la historia sea intrigante. Espero ver pronto la película al completo good

Yo soy el típico individuo que va con manga corta en invierno por aquí mellado


Rol : Director
Mensajes : 8204
Fecha de inscripción : 28/01/2015
Localización : Cantabria
. : Recreaciones clásicas: Psicosis, Pulp Fiction El Planeta de los Simios, mejor recreación general.

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

Mensaje por LeoLaw Sáb 02 Jun 2018, 12:03

Thank you Kubo! My goal is to have it ready before the Fall, could be earlier, could be later, we'll just have to see. So glad to see this much support for my project so far.

I'm the guy who will wear a long sleeve shirt, two sweaters and a jacket when it's cold out.. and then I'll still be too cold and get sick. Hate hate hate the Winter. And once I was confronted by an old man in jeans and shirtless, in the freezing cold, who asked persistently for me to take the kumquats growing in his backyard. Needless to say, I didn't take any... 201 crazy stuff like that happens all the time where I'm from.

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Gone Missing Empty Re: Gone Missing

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