Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.

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Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
BIENVENIDO a la comunidad sobre el juego The Movies y otros Machinimas. Aquí encontraras una gran familia, ayuda, etc, y sobre todo compartir la afición que nos gusta a todos, que es crear películas con motores de juegos. Regístrate o identifícate para quitar la publicidad y poder participar en el foro.
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.
Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
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Special FX help?

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Special FX help? Empty Special FX help?

Mensaje por LeoLaw Mar 05 Jun 2018, 19:41

I'm using the text-to-speech animation program Plotagon to film a short film and would like a special effect for this scene. If there's anyone who could do this for me, let me know here or in a private message.

This robot will use an "Eye Phone" to video call someone, meaning the image of the person will be projected from his eye. The two images are below, first the robot, and then the phone call recipient who's image needs to be projected.

Special FX help? <a href=Special FX help? Robot11" />

Special FX help? <a href=Special FX help? Host12" />

Like I said it's a video call, so it needs to be a moving image with dialogue playing and all. If anyone would be able and willing to do this for me, let me know! Private message me or email at leolaw95@gmail if interested or for more details.

Thanks in advance! Smile

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Mar 05 Jun 2018, 21:30


do you mean something like an image from a projector?

Special FX help? 713mg1-9CEL._SY355_

Some lights flowing from the eye to project a 3d image of the other person, is that right?

I guess you can try this in Sony Vegas, but it will require some skill to make it look right!


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por LeoLaw Mar 05 Jun 2018, 21:48

Yeah, that's about what I'm looking for. I want to have one scene overlayed top of another (the overlayed one of course being much smaller) with the projector effect, and it would switch between the hologram and the scene with the real person. It's a bit hard to explain.

Here's an extremely crude "diagram" of what I'm essentially looking for (excuse this, I do not know how to draw with a mouse at all lol)
Special FX help? <a href=Special FX help? Hologr10" />

If I had Sony Vegas, or some sort of tool to do this effect myself I would, I'm working with very limited and basic software and don't have the money to invest in upgrades. That's why I was hoping someone could help me with it. I'm sure it takes a lot of skill and work to pull this kind of effect off, but I'm not looking for cinematic quality, just as long as it resembles what I'm going for I'll be happy with. It can be a very cheesy effect, that may even be preferred since it would go well with the tone of the short film overall.

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Mar 05 Jun 2018, 23:03

Well, in that case send me both clips and I'll try to mix them into a single piece with the desired effect, but trust me it won't look even "crude" mellado, much worse.


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por LeoLaw Mar 05 Jun 2018, 23:09

Haha okay, can't hurt to try at least, let me get them ready for you. In the meantime, how can I send them to you? Email?

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Mar 05 Jun 2018, 23:11

Upload the videos into a platform such as Mega or Mediafire, then email or private message me. I think through the forum it's OK


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por LeoLaw Mar 05 Jun 2018, 23:14

Gotcha, I'll send you the links in a private message when they're ready.

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por LeoLaw Miér 06 Jun 2018, 16:47

Just so everybody knows, I'm getting help towards making this happen! I do want to thank Dibujante for offering to help, but my good friend Mike over at TMU offered his help and even seems excited to work on it! I will still credit Dibu in the special thanks just for taking the time to offer his assistance! Smile

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Miér 06 Jun 2018, 18:48

Much appreciated,

My best wishes for your projects. Contact us if you need more help.

Best regards!


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

Mensaje por LeoLaw Miér 06 Jun 2018, 18:59

Thank you Dibu! I surely will Smile

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Special FX help? Empty Re: Special FX help?

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