Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.

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Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
BIENVENIDO a la comunidad sobre el juego The Movies y otros Machinimas. Aquí encontraras una gran familia, ayuda, etc, y sobre todo compartir la afición que nos gusta a todos, que es crear películas con motores de juegos. Regístrate o identifícate para quitar la publicidad y poder participar en el foro.
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.
Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
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[Idea] Website for hosting mods!

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por Meth0d Jue 24 Oct 2019, 20:43

Hello guys, how are you, I hope you doing good...
Well, first of all, I want to introduce myself, my name is Leo, i'm a programmer-student from Brazil and for years I love to play The Movies.
Using a bit of my coding experience I want to create a full high quality mod hosting for the game, but focused only in the files (not tutorials, or discussion community... just the files). Where users can upload and download without limits Smile

I got this idea when I recently played the game and find out that there are still modders for the game, creating AAA quality mods.

So my ideas area:
* A simple domain, easy to remember and discover
* A multi-language system (english, spanish, portuguese, italian, russian and more)...
* Organize mods by categories
* Mod page with details (title, version, description, images gallery, comments system)

My initital idea it's to create 8 categories for the mods:
* Costumes
* Sets
* Props
* Scenes
* Textures
* Scripts
* Tools
* Misc

I'm also looking for partners (people to moderate with me...)
So, what do you guys think ? More ideas for the project ? Thanks you all...

Rol : Modder
Mensajes : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 24/10/2019

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Vie 25 Oct 2019, 08:11

Well, actually it's a nice idea and somehow this is what we're looking for. You may have a look at our 'Downloads' section where your ideas are already functioning. Our goal is to provide many mods as we can so you can get thousands of mods at a single download-click-install, without tutorials, without knowings. And still the very interesting thing is to provide a 'setup' installation for all of them.

Right now we have our 'global data' where everyone is able to upload mods.

My suggestions: don't go too far for the number of the categories. There're 5 big ones: costumes, props, tools, sets and scenes. And another big new: now you can edit your own animations as well good

Don't look for partners, you can form part of this right here. What's your point?


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por Meth0d Vie 25 Oct 2019, 15:29

Hi Dibujante, thanks for your comment and I must say thanks for you mods, they are awesome!

Yeah, with animations we can improve a lot the game (imagine spider man swing animations Very Happy)

So, the "global data" that you reffers is the one located at box, right ?
That's cool, but i think we could improve that, creating all the environment focused on our necessities...
for example, on the upload form I'm planning to add the normal stuff like: mod title, mod version, description, category, add images, add file, but let's suppose we need to add more fields, like tags, video-tutorials.. we could create it!

I also added a Tutorials area, to list active websites/communities that can provide the information we need to modding...

I hope you understand, anyway I want to replace existing things here or other places... I just want to provide one more way to share the files... You upload your mod here and then you upload there, my main focus it's just to organize the stuff (data files and infos).

Well, when I say "partners" it means someone who may be interested on being some kind of moderator to the website, idk.

I just launched the landing page of the website, at the moment I'm working on the design (i made a sketch on paint... it's simple, but functional for the purposes), here is my progress, I expect to finish all the html and css part today and than start the server side functions...
I think the navigation side is smooth and user-friendly. I may make changes but at the moment it's what I have on my mind
[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Themov11

Rol : Modder
Mensajes : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 24/10/2019

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Vie 25 Oct 2019, 15:40

Hi Meth0d,

There're a few players right now on TM, that's something we know for a long time. I shall say your ideas would be a magnificent chance to upgrade our contents. Maybe your html and css knowing can be displayed somehow on our website. Right now there're a few communities where you can check for TM Contents. Our website and forum works for a global "unofficial" The Movies site, even ahead from 8eyedbaby I'd say.

Honestly, I think it'd be hard to attach ppl to different sites, but right here we've got an important ratio and likely you can help us to make it better.

I was thinking about your design ideas, but I let you know for "commercial" purposes (at least trying to collect players to this game where graphics are years downgraded rather less than f. e. GTA V cinema skills) there're thousands of little steps everyone has to know before they install a single mod (for example editing a costume category to add more sliders or costumes without loosing the original files). This is why I managed to edit a 'Data' with the same file folders you have on your Data, therefore you just download & extract. So almost the same link works for each mod on the site, and in our section you find each of them as a single post.

I'm a member of this forum special modding team, and we all share the same loveling to this game. What can you offer?


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por Meth0d Vie 25 Oct 2019, 20:21

I'm backing to the modding scene now, so I must say I need to learn somethings again, but no problem about that (the forum tutorials will help me, I'm pretty sure).

" (for example editing a costume category to add more sliders or costumes without loosing the original files). "
On GTA 5 I created some tools to add new skins without replace any game file, maybe I'll take a look on that after finish the website.

Well, I'm here to help, the forum, the game community around the world...
Also, I'll try to speak in spanish here, but i'm not very fluent (even my native language is portuguese).

Some updates:
I made more progress (finish the base header + content + footer areas)... now I'm going to do the pages html (mod view, upload, mod listing and stuff)
I was looking the old website of the game, tried to recreate the starburst on header background (it's a nice touch Very Happy)
and this is an example of how mods are listed... i think it's very cool Very Happy
[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Themov12

Rol : Modder
Mensajes : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 24/10/2019

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Sáb 26 Oct 2019, 13:18

Indeed it's a nice job. Fortunately you've time to work, much better if we don't have to duplicate tasks. Maybe somehow your designs could be embedded right here xD.


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por Meth0d Dom 27 Oct 2019, 12:34

Sure my friend, I'm here to help Smile

Rol : Modder
Mensajes : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 24/10/2019

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Dom 08 Dic 2019, 00:36

It has been a while..., how're you going? @Meth0d


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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[Idea] Website for hosting mods! Empty Re: [Idea] Website for hosting mods!

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