Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
BIENVENIDO a la comunidad sobre el juego The Movies y otros Machinimas. Aquí encontraras una gran familia, ayuda, etc, y sobre todo compartir la afición que nos gusta a todos, que es crear películas con motores de juegos. Regístrate o identifícate para quitar la publicidad y poder participar en el foro.
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.

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Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
BIENVENIDO a la comunidad sobre el juego The Movies y otros Machinimas. Aquí encontraras una gran familia, ayuda, etc, y sobre todo compartir la afición que nos gusta a todos, que es crear películas con motores de juegos. Regístrate o identifícate para quitar la publicidad y poder participar en el foro.
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WELCOME to the community about the game The Movies and other Machinimas. Here you will find a great family, help, etc, and above all share the hobby that we like to all, which is to create movies with game engines. Register or identify to remove the publicity and to participate in the forum. If you have problems with the registration, in the Welcome forum there is a post-it open to guests.
Foro The Movies Cinema Machinima Español
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Sideburned Empty Sideburned

Mensaje por LeoLaw Vie 06 Jul 2018, 17:14

Just thought I'd promote another project that I have in the works called "Sideburned" a silly story about a man named Jack Burns (played by my good friend Ryan Habelitz, also known as FallenThomas on TMU) with really weird sideburns that he thinks are the best in the world! His fiancee disagrees with this and dumps him for refusing to shave them for their wedding.. Jack then goes on a quest to find another woman, one that appreciates his sideburns! I know it's ridiculous, but I have some funny ideas for it it... here's a teaser featuring narration by Jack Burns himself!

My silent film GONE MISSING is still my number one priority, but I'll be working on this film, as well as some other projects too. I have The Movies working again finally, so I'm gonna take full advantage of it! Very Happy

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Vie 06 Jul 2018, 19:27

Nice idea going in. I think you take many risks when you're producing many projects with such different genders, but hope you really finish them so we can see the extended frames.

PD: Nice "coming sooner or later" mellado


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por LeoLaw Vie 06 Jul 2018, 19:39

I assume you meant "genres" not genders.. Like I've said before, I like taking risks, just as I like it when other filmmakers take risks. I appreciate that though, it may take some time, but they will all get done, Gone Missing before anything else I imagine. I like working on multiple things at once so I don't get burnt out on any of them, since they're all so different it terms of how they're written and directed.

You like that "coming soon" gag huh? I'm glad you found it funny, I hope others do too. It's also quite true, I felt it would've been disingenuous to say "soon" when I really have no clue how long it'll be before it's out.

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por DibujanteTM Vie 06 Jul 2018, 20:20

Oh, excuse my bad english. Yes I meant genres, sorry. Embarassed Embarassed

Don't get me wrong. My advices have nothing to do with your way to produce movies. Risky or not, it's just I used to practice the same methods and in my results I finished producing short movies (many of them coming from a sporadic idea that I was already rendering at the following hour) or announcing many projects with cool trailers and teasers, but unfortunately in my case the gag is about "coming later". I heard so many times from the wisers that you should work on a project per time, because as long as you work with alternative ideas, you may get in love with the alternative ideas and parallel works are harder to finish in good way. But that doesn't have to happen with you, it's just I see that resemblance between us.

Hope you keep on doing with the good job!


Echa un vistazo a nuestros nuevos: TUTORIALES, MODS, SOPORTE

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 7930
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Localización : Escribiendo un privado a kubo10
. : Recreaciones clásicas: El Planeta de los Simios, Ciudadano Kane

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por LeoLaw Vie 06 Jul 2018, 20:34

It's fine, English is a tough language, not in the same way that others are either, like Japanese. It's really complex and really genius how their language works... English is just stupid and confusing, even if it's your native tongue it's still hard to remember some of the rules.

Anyway, I totally see what you're saying here. That could end up being the case with me, this is the first time I'm having more than one project going at a time, will it work out in the long run or will it hinder my creative process? Only time will tell.

Thanks Dibu, I intend to keep on working hard! Very Happy

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por Koko Sáb 07 Jul 2018, 00:10

Hi. A couple of recommendations, if you don't mean.

The first: try to limit your transitions to cut or blend (it's safe Very Happy) the ex Lucas wife (editor of the first Star Trek movies) was a genious so she can, but it's very difficult to make a lot of different transitions and get a good result.

About the joke, it's funny, but I don't understand the hypennation.


Rol : Director
Mensajes : 679
Fecha de inscripción : 23/06/2018
Localización : Buenos Aires

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por LeoLaw Sáb 07 Jul 2018, 03:49

Hi @Koko nice to meet ya! All the over-the-top transitions were intentional, the movie is going to be very off the walll and ridiculous, so I feel the transitions have to be as well, and maybe even executed poorly (on purpose) to get an amateurish effect, as if the character in the film edited it himself. Hope that makes sense. I know how to use different transitions with good results, trust me, the cheesiness here was totally intentional, but I appreciate your thoughts.

If you're referring to the "Coming Soon" gag at the end, it's hyphenated because usually you would just say "Coming Soon" and that's it. But I myself don't particularly know when this'll be released, to say it was coming soon felt dishonest.

So I thought of way to say it, but make a joke out of it. The hyphen -er or later was for comedic timing purposes, instead of being read like "coming sooner or later" there would be a pause "coming or later" kind of like an afterthought.

Hope that made sense because I kinda confused myself with that lol

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 61
Fecha de inscripción : 30/05/2018

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por Mistica Sáb 07 Jul 2018, 13:13

Hola LeoLaw,

Me ha gustado este avance que nos presentas, tiene un aire metropolitano con esa música y esas transiciones que en mi opinión ayudan al ambiente que nos quieres presentar, la historia parece entretenida con esos toques de humor de las películas clásicas.

Por cierto, ¿eres tú el protagonista? El doblaje está muy bien, convincente.

Si le añadieras a tus películas los subtitulos en youtube en inglés, las personas que no entiendan mucho inglés podrían usar el traductor de you tube para ver tus películas y comentarlas, te dejo este enlace sobre cómo hacerlo en you tube por si te interesa: Add your own subtitles

Espero este estreno, ánimo en la producción LeoLaw Very Happy

Sideburned XsHC5ZY Sideburned AzYGXTC Sideburned M9d01AX  
Diseñadora web

Rol : Actriz de doblaje
Mensajes : 2204
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2010
. : Micro de oro 2010 por su ayuda a la comunidad y colaboración en doblajes
. : Aguilas 2011: 1º Mejor Actriz Secundaria

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por Regolero Sáb 07 Jul 2018, 19:41

Yo iba a decir lo mismo que Mistica. Intente activar los subtitulos en youtube, aunque sean automáticos, pero nos puede servir de gran ayuda a las personas que no entendemos el idioma. Aunque se traduzca automáticamente y tenga fallos, al menos poder enter algunas frases o palabras que nos ayudarán. :guino:

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 10953
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2010
Localización : Sevilla
. : Totems 2010: 2º Mejor Cortometraje, 2º Mejor Dirección, 2º Mejor Guión, 2º Mejor Tráiler . : Águilas 2011: 1º Mejor Ambientacion, 1º Mejor FX, 2º Mejor Sonido . : Recreaciones clásicas: The Ring

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

Mensaje por Koko Sáb 07 Jul 2018, 20:10

LeoLaw escribió:Hi @Koko nice to meet ya! All the over-the-top transitions were intentional, the movie is going to be very off the walll and ridiculous, so I feel the transitions have to be as well, and maybe even executed poorly (on purpose) to get an amateurish effect, as if the character in the film edited it himself. Hope that makes sense. I know how to use different transitions with good results, trust me, the cheesiness here was totally intentional, but I appreciate your thoughts.

If you're referring to the "Coming Soon" gag at the end, it's hyphenated because usually you would just say "Coming Soon" and that's it. But I myself don't particularly know when this'll be released, to say it was coming soon felt dishonest.

So I thought of way to say it, but make a joke out of it. The hyphen -er or later was for comedic timing purposes, instead of being read like "coming sooner or later" there would be a pause "coming or later" kind of like an afterthought.

Hope that made sense because I kinda confused myself with that lol
OK. Perfect explanation. I don't have anything to say good

Rol : Director
Mensajes : 679
Fecha de inscripción : 23/06/2018
Localización : Buenos Aires

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Sideburned Empty Re: Sideburned

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